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Getting's a BITCH!

Well, the title says it all but I'm not referring to you or me . Oh no, I'm referring to our parents. Whether they've planned for it or not, or if they were even able to, when our parents get old, it can be an adventure, and NOT in a good way. If you have family close by or even better in the same city, it can make life a lot easier for everyone (as long as they are all willing and able to help). If not, and you happen to be an only child like yours truly and DON'T have any other family to step in and help out, it can be stressful and life changing. If they are in somewhat good health relatively that's great. But what if they aren't in good health? Even worse, are bed ridden? Oh, let's even throw in our AWESOME medical care for seniors that's available? I'm actually being very sarcastic, because, unless their social security is under say $14k per year or are married to someone who is a military vet (or widowed from one), unless they planned for it, t...

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