Superbike-coach Cornering School Day 3 (1-12-20)

Cornering School Day 3
Coach Can Akkaya addressing his students during CSD-3

Well, 2020 finally got kicked off with the Superbike-coach Cornering School Day 3 this past Sunday. This was actually supposed to be the last class of 2019 but had to be rescheduled twice due to weather delays, however, it finally came together. It was a chilly day but an awesome day nonetheless and everyone had a BLAST! This also was the FIRST OFFICIAL day of both Raven Synthetics & Amsoil being a 2020 sponsor for Coach Can Akkaya and Superbike-coach. 

During this class, Coach Can touched on previous lessons taught in both his Day 1 & 2 classes these students were apart of to see if they've been doing their homework and how they've been doing. As usual, each day's classes touches and reinforces skills Coach Can teaches but also includes a specific "skill"...for Day 3 it's trail braking...both coming into a turn and stopping in a turn. YES, you read right...STOPPING in a turn! This is very possible and can save your bacon WHEN that time comes.

This drill starts off gradually, allowing each student to feel what the brakes do (oh, did I mention the front brake is only used?) then increases until they finally come to a stop in the corner while turning.
Coach Can showing student what he's looking for...
Coach Can watching as his student stops in turn...
Student doing a stoppie...ha ha...whoohoo!

Want to learn this? It's simple...sign up (and take) their Day 1 & Day 2 classes then you're all set to sign up and take this Day 3 class. At the end of the day, each student has their Certificate of Completion signed by Coach Can showing they've gone through all these classes, which once completed could help you out on your motorcycle insurance (check with your insurance's up to them). There's also another special reward but you'll need to complete all 3 classes to find this out...TRUST ME, it's WELL WORTH IT!

So, now your interested but you need to know where to go. EASY...go to, it's a simple as that. Once signed up, you'll have access to student discounts, including Amsoil products through Raven Synthetics, an Amsoil Independent Dealer. For now, click here to see the FEATURE PICS, and while there, feel free to browse around the the other Superbike-coach galleries and see just how much fun you're going to have! See you there... 

Students taking to the track to practice their lessons

Coach Can on one of his demo runs

Student on the Raven Synthetics/Amsoil Ninja 650R

Student on the Superbike-coach Ninja 250 rental bike

Students & Amsoil in the house...


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