Superbike-coach 1on2 Supermoto Class (8/3/20)


Coach Can Akkaya (center) with students Matt (left) & Chase (right)

August 3, 2020...Coach Can of Superbike-coach got together with a couple students from this past Cornering School Day 3 (see previous blog) to learn supermoto riding. "Supermoto", or also called "Supermotard" or "motards" are basically dirt bikes switched over to run on pavement and usually use race tires. Just to give you a brief history, "Supermoto" got started in the early 80s (about 1982) when ABC Sports launched a race at Carlsbad Raceway, called "Superbikers", bringing together the TOP racers from motocross, road racing, TT/flat track, and speedway to see just who was THE BEST. It lasted a few years then died off, only to get rejuvenated in France. It did come back to the USA through the AMA and other organizations but never really "took off". You can still find it here, but it's not as BIG as it is over in Europe, unfortunately.

Superbike-coach CorpSuperbike-coach Supermoto Rider Training ClassCoach Can in action aboard his 2004 KTM 450SMR

As a motocrosser by trade & blood, this form of riding is pretty awesome and was a nice alternative for me due to knee injuries I've received plus this actually helps me with my riding on the street. Coach Can welcomed two new students, Matt & Chace, to this alternative form of riding and boy did they have an AWESOME time. How do I know? Simple...their ear-to-ear smile that NEVER left their faces!

Like all Superbike-coach classes, Coach Can sends his students off on their own, allowing them to get used to these bikes on the track. As they got more comfortable, Coach Can would then observe and even stop them to give them encouragement & instructions. Coach also incorporates his "emergency braking" drill because, after all, braking on a supermoto is quite a unique feeling...bikes are much lighter and purpose-built motards, like these two KTMs, have some pretty STRONG brakes so they need to learn how to use them. This, of course, can lead to the popular "brakie" or "stoppie". They enjoyed this part so much that every time Coach stopped them, guess what they'd do...ha ha ha

Of course, the other opportunity these two students get is Coach has more time to spend with them AND join in on the fun! What better way to learn then to be on a track at the same time as a world class Coach & rider....makes for a fun and entertaining day.

At the end of the day, as tired as both Matt & Chase were, they left with a HUGE smile on their face. Matt & Chase aren't strangers to the Superbike-coach family, after all they've both taken several classes with Superbike-coach. This was something new they wanted to try and I think they're hooked! It's guys like these two that make being part of Superbike-coach classes that much more fun. Yes, this class was "purpose built" for this style of riding but the lessens learned even in this class will translate over to your normal ride. Want to see just HOW much fun everyone had? Click here for the complete gallery.

If you're looking to improve your riding, whether it's on a standard or sportbike, cruiser or Grand Tourer, ADV bike or motard, take a look at Superbike-coach. Not only do they have their standard classes, they also offer Road Skill classes where Coach Can will meet his students at a specific location and run his rider training classes on public roads. Are you a track day rider or racer looking to get some help? No problem...Superbike-coach has you covered since Coach Can also goes to track days with students to help them out.

So, what are you waiting for. It's as simple as going to their website at, look at the class you want to take, check their schedule, then sign up! However, don't hesitate because each and every one of their classes book up quick, some a year in advance. If you have questions, you can contact Coach Can. excuses....get to it NOW and sign won't regret it.
